Friday, May 11, 2007

Religious Expression

Coming from a very diverse upbringing (religiously speaking), I have developed an unconventional view of religious traditions and ceremonies. Most kids that are brought up in a specific religion (especially Pastor's Kids like me), are taught that it is all or nothing (with their specific denomination's beliefs and traditions). This has led to a great deal of frustration in my life, when dealing with people from a wide variety of religious backgrounds. They seem to be unable to separate their theology and the traditions instituted by their organized religious body.

This frustration was especially visible in my recent Church search throughout the Fox Valley. It is a major turn off when people sincerely believe that because their church follows a specific format, or because their church plays music of a specific style, that it is religiously superior. I would even go as far as to say that religious traditions (when converted into religious belief), are one of the largest inhibitors to an individual churches growth.

While my background has led me to respect various traditions and institutions set up by organized churches, I find that when these institutions become so prominent the initial belief is lost...


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